I'm currently a Product Manager for Floating Cube Studios. Previously I did Novelr, Pandamian and the NUS Hackers. I'm based out of Singapore and Saigon.
I write an essay a week loosely centered around building a technology company in Asia.
Applying Behavioural Psychology's 'Inside View' vs 'Outside View' to Malaysia's 14th General Election.
There are two tiers of tech companies in Singapore: a good tier and a bad tier.
How can you learn to learn better?
People buy vinyl for the same reasons they travel to exotic new countries: to find atoms or time in a bit-rich world.
Impressions from a cowboy town.
How Malaysian must you be, before you consider leaving the country?
It's probably best to email me if you'd like to get in touch. (The email address below requires Javascript for you to see it):
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